Connect to Linux EC2 instance using PuTTY

When you create a new EC2 instance and created new keys, the keys are on the pem key format. This is used for SSH connection and is usable from a Linux terminal or OSX. However, if you are from windows and you use PuTTY to connect to your EC2 instance, you need to convert your pem key to ppk format which is accepted by PuTTY.

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How to Launch an AWS EC2 instance

This tutorial shows a step-by-step guide on how to launch an Amazon EC2 instance. We will launch a t2.micro instance using the Amazon provided AMI of Ubuntu 18.04. Let’s get started.

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How To Tell If Your Linux Server Has Been Compromised

A server being compromised or hacked for the purpose of this guide is an unauthorized person or bot logging into the server in order to use it for their own, usually negative ends. However, the majority of compromised servers are carried out by bots i.e. automated attack programs, in-experienced attackers e.g. “script kiddies”, or dumb criminals. These sorts of attackers will abuse the server for all it’s worth whilst they have access to it and take few precautions to hide what they are doing.

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How to effectively use the GREP command

Grep is a very important & powerful Linux commands. It stands for ‘Global Regular Expression Print’ & is used for matching & printing a search pattern or a regular expression from a single or multiple text files. It will look for the pattern if the mentioned files & will than print the result on screen or to an output file.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn to use grep command with examples. Continue reading “How to effectively use the GREP command”

Test internet speed from the Command-line

You probably have heard and tried using to test you computer or smartphone internet speed. If you have your own server or VPS you can also test internet speed connection from the command-line using the speedtest-cli utility. On this tutorial, I’ll show how to install and use speedtest-cli to test your internet speed.

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Configuring Elastic Load Balancer on Amazon EC2

Load balancers are used to distribute the requests/queries to multiple server instances. Most web infrastructures have multiple front-end servers that share the load of the application. Although there are multiple server instances, the end-user only see them a single node. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you on how to configure an Elastic Load Balancer on Amazon, add your web server nodes and point your domain name to the EC2 load balancer.

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Cloning your Instances on Amazon EC2

Multiple front-end web server setups are almost always in use these days. Instead of just one server serving web traffic, you create two or more servers which will share the load evenly to serve requests from users. These servers usually connect to a backend database server. On this tutorial, we’ll walk through the steps on adding another web-front end server by cloning you current web server node.

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Adding new disk on Amazon EC2 instance Centos/RHEL 6

Amazon VPS instances, by default only have a single disk for the whole filesystem of the server. Unless you chose to add an additional disk when you provision the server, adding disk space to your VPS can be tricky. Here’s a run down on how to add more storage to your server on amazon by mounting a new drive.

In this tutorial, I’ve mounted the new drive to /var/lib/mysql since I need to increase the disk space used by the database. This tutorial is still applicable even if you want to increase a different folder. The process will be the same.

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