Configuring Elastic Load Balancer on Amazon EC2

Load balancers are used to distribute the requests/queries to multiple server instances. Most web infrastructures have multiple front-end servers that share the load of the application. Although there are multiple server instances, the end-user only see them a single node. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you on how to configure an Elastic Load Balancer on Amazon, add your web server nodes and point your domain name to the EC2 load balancer.

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Cloning your Instances on Amazon EC2

Multiple front-end web server setups are almost always in use these days. Instead of just one server serving web traffic, you create two or more servers which will share the load evenly to serve requests from users. These servers usually connect to a backend database server. On this tutorial, we’ll walk through the steps on adding another web-front end server by cloning you current web server node.

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