
Everyday Notes from a Unix Administrator. A website created to serve as online notes, documentation, tips and tricks for System administrators.

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SSL secured websites or HTTPS has now become a must to have on website, especially those handling sensitive client information.
We might have come across a situation where we might want to rename user in Linux system, for whatever reasons.
Universal Serial Bus, more commonly known as the USB has been around for quite some time now with almost every
Databases are arguably one of the main component of any modern application. And one of the most popular implementation of
Every time you update your CentOS Linux and the update includes a new kernel image update the system will not
Disks getting full on Linux is a common scenario any administrator have probably experienced. There are usually some large files
If you are installing an application on HP-UX (usually Database programs) and it requires specific kernel parameters, you can make
In HP-UX if you need to adjust an existing LVM Volume Group Max Size to accommodate a new physical disk,
This tutorial will walk through installation of OS for the the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi will not start without
Most of the time, I'm using SSH to connect remotely with the Raspberry Pi. If you are more accustomed to