How To Tell If Your Linux Server Has Been Compromised

A server being compromised or hacked for the purpose of this guide is an unauthorized person or bot logging into the server in order to use it for their own, usually negative ends. However, the majority of compromised servers are carried out by bots i.e. automated attack programs, in-experienced attackers e.g. “script kiddies”, or dumb criminals. These sorts of attackers will abuse the server for all it’s worth whilst they have access to it and take few precautions to hide what they are doing.

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How to effectively use the GREP command

Grep is a very important & powerful Linux commands. It stands for ‘Global Regular Expression Print’ & is used for matching & printing a search pattern or a regular expression from a single or multiple text files. It will look for the pattern if the mentioned files & will than print the result on screen or to an output file.
In this tutorial, we are going to learn to use grep command with examples. Continue reading “How to effectively use the GREP command”

bash Tips and Tricks

I call these tips and tricks – “bash kung-fu”. You can save a lot of typing with these handy bash features.

bash, or the Bourne again shell, is the default shell in most Linux distributions. It has many features to enhance user-friendliness and productivity. Unfortunately, you can’t take advantage of those features unless you know they exist. So here are some bash tips and tricks that will help you with your everyday system admin tasks.
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17 Things about Security

A list for protecting yourself and others from the most common and easiest-to-pull-off security crimes.

This article does not attempt to make you an information security guru or provide everything needed for those who are special targets. This is a list you can use to secure yourself, your significant other and your non-techie loved ones from the majority of the most-common and easiest-to-pull-off types of crime and cruelty. Continue reading “17 Things about Security”

How to find out PID in Linux

Every Linux process has a process ID (PID) assigned to it.  It is a unique identification number that is automatically assigned to each process when it is created in an operating system. A process is a running instance of a program. In this tutorial we’ll look into ways on how to find the PID of process.

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APT Listing Packages – Ubuntu / Debian

Do you ever wonder how many thousands of packages are installed on your Linux system? Even a fairly modest Linux system is likely to have well over a thousand packages installed. And there are many ways to get details on what they are. Here are some of the most useful commands for gaining insights into the packages installed on your Linux system using APT on Ubuntu / Debian systems.

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Software RAID Recovery Tutorial

This tutorial will walk through the troubleshooting and recovery of a failed disk on a Software RAID setup. Especially mirroring the boot partition which is important when replacing disk and making sure the OS boots up properly after replacement.  This tutorial was done on Ubuntu 14.04 but should still work on other distributions such as RHEL and CentOS.

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Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Apache

SSL secured websites or HTTPS has now become a must to have on website, especially those handling sensitive client information. Having a HTTPS enabled website means that a intruder can’t intrude to communication between users and website. HTTPS not only secures communication but is now a requirement for many new features like http2, which requires you to have https enabled on your server. Having a HTTPS enabled website also improves your Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking.

In this tutorial, we will discuss two methods on how we can redirect http traffic to https on Apache web servers.
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