17 Things about Security

A list for protecting yourself and others from the most common and easiest-to-pull-off security crimes.

This article does not attempt to make you an information security guru or provide everything needed for those who are special targets. This is a list you can use to secure yourself, your significant other and your non-techie loved ones from the majority of the most-common and easiest-to-pull-off types of crime and cruelty. Continue reading “17 Things about Security”

USB Ports and Versions Explained

Universal Serial Bus, more commonly known as the USB has been around for quite some time now with almost every device following the standard. From our I/O devices to storage drives and even mobile phones can be connected using the USB standard. USB ports version will be explained below

This standard has evolved over the years from its inception in the mid 90’s and has had multiple versions through its history.

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Setup Samba file sharing for CentOS 6

The SAMBA protocol allow Linux hosts to create/mount windows compatible network shared folders. Samba shares are preferred when the LAN comprises of both Widnows and Linux computers. In this tutorial, we’ll create a samba shared folder with username/password authentication. The shared folder will be accessible to all Linux and Windows computer on the local network.
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