Setup NPTD Server and client for CENTOS 6

Network Time Protocol is used to synchronize the time on Linux Server. NTP continuously sync and adjusts the time setting of the client by querying the NTP server. It is recommended to be used by systems which need very fine tuned time synchronization requirements (milliseconds). Recommended setup to use is to have a common NTPD server on your LAN and then configure other devices to sync to it.
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Return MySQL query as PHP variable

If you have a PHP built webpage and you need to save the MySQL query as a PHP variable, then you can use the following function.
The MySQL query result should be a single entry and it will be saved on the variable when the function is called.

Continue reading “Return MySQL query as PHP variable”

Install Mongo and MBString PHP module on RedHat

The following steps walks through the installation of mongo and mbstring modules for php. This is helpful when you are required to install specific versions of the modules along with your PHP package.
Installation on CentOS of php-mbstring is straightforward as you just can get the package from the Epel-repo or on the Optional Packages repo.
Continue reading “Install Mongo and MBString PHP module on RedHat”